Are Intimate Hygiene Products Really Necessary?

Since a very long time, intimate hygiene products have been a talk of the town. Are intimate hygiene products really necessary? Is intimate hygiene wash for men a thing? And some just Google stuff like, intimate hygiene meaning? We have come up with a detailed article on the same. The best intimate hygiene wash, the best intimate hygiene wash for men we’ll discuss it all. 

Since it is such a topic which needs to be addressed, we will go step by step further but first, 

What is Intimate Hygiene?

Intimate Hygiene Products

Intimate hygiene doesn’t mean having flowery fresh smell all the time. Some people might consider “hygiene” as no sweat or no hair, but it is not what is sounds like or I should say it is not what advertisements want to you believe. Hygiene in terms of intimate areas means the pH level of the vagina/vulva or simply your intimate areas.

You would be surprised to know that pubic hair is necessary for your vaginal health as well. You should just trim them with a pair of scissors and not clean shave/ wax the area more often. The function of hair is to protect your vagina from any external bacteria. pH level of your vagina is 3.5 which is acidic and pH of human blood is 7.4 which is almost neutral. So, during “THAT” time of the month things might get extra messy. Intimate hygiene wash products should be acidic in nature and should be rinsed off completely, a little residue might cause irritation and rashes. 

Do We Really Need It?

Short answer, yes and long answer… keep reading

You must have seen people talking about the vaginal hygiene. Also some might have said that vagina is self cleaning and needs no external wash/ liquid/ soap. Well first understand the female reproductive system. The vagina is present inside the body and then comes the cervix which leads to further inside. Now the commonly misconception is that we can see vagina. No, vagina is inside what you can see from the outside in vulva these are in the shape of human lips and has an opening of vagina. When we say vaginal hygiene we mean the area of vulva. No doubt vagina is s self cleaning organ and it cleans itself. Focusing on the hygiene you may use a mild cleanser and put it on your VULVA rub it and ensure nothing goes inside your VAGINA. If you clean your vulva and do proper and regular grooming that is called hygiene. 

Why Not Soap?

Short answer “the pH”, long answer… keep reading,

Soap has a basic pH of 8 and if it goes inside or gets inside your vagina it will disturb your natural acidic pH. Soap is made to clean the skin of your body and the skin down there is a lot sensitive. That is why intimate hygiene washes are made to keep the area clean and hygienic. But again that wash is not supposed to go INSIDE. 

Do Males Need to Maintain Intimate Hygiene?

Yes, they need to and they should. Hygiene is something that is very important for both counterparts. However there are very less intimate hygiene wash for men available in the market. Few brands focus on men’s grooming and they make products dedicated for men. The pH level of male’s intimate area is close to 5.6 which is also acidic but not as acidic as women’s. Taking into consideration the body type, physical work out and other skin related problems men should also take care of them and theirs. Men tend to sweat even more than women and sweat causes bacteria to grow. The area acts as a breeding ground for bacteria hence why men’s hygiene is also important. Again NOTHING is supposed to go inside the body so choose wisely by reading the ingredients before buying the product. What to keep in mind?

  • pH levels
  • should not have much chemicals
  • should be parabens free
  • should not leave a residue

Which Is the Best Intimate Hygiene Wash

female Intimate Hygiene wash Products

Well, well, well, we’ll be lying if we would be telling some other company’s name. Most intimate hygiene washes uses a ton of chemicals and then put up a leaf/feather on their advertisement to make it look like natural but it’s not. All we can say is all that glitters is not gold. So don’t fall for the advertisement and choose wisely, read from the back of the label and decide what chemical you are investing on. 

Rishikul Herbal has launched a new VG intimate women hygiene wash which is made from 100% Natural Ingredients. It is a Plant Based Formula which is safe to be used on a daily basis for Natural Protection and Hygiene of your Private Parts. It will help you get rid of the Unpleasant and Unhealthy odour of your intimate area. The product is designed to maintain Hygiene of your Private Parts. Sweat causes Itching and Irritation and sometimes disturbs the PH level of your Vagina so VG wash will help you maintain the actual PH Level. Using of soap on your intimate area is not a good idea because it is basic in nature and hence will disturb the acidic PH of your Vagina. The product is Lab Tested and has no Parabens, No Chemicals, and No Soap in it. It is ideal for daily usage. Being free from Chemicals it can be used in Pregnancy and in Periods too. 


We have kept the sensitivity in mind hence kept the formula simple and safe for daily usage. 

Why Choose Us?

The reasons are many and the most important being is your health. Other chemical based washes are contagious to health and causes health related problems. Some of them are soapy and will leave a soapy texture which is not gone even after rinsing. The major problem is they have parabens in them. in the case of VG wash we use no parabens and chemicals. We extract it from the plants which were used in ancient Ayurveda to clean. You can also do a patch test on your hand the product will not stay behind in fact it will just go easily by rinsing with plain water. 

We have a range of products for haircare, skincare, women’s care, men’s care, and many more. Basically we make everything for everyone. Do check out the website for more information. Happy shopping!

Reference URL: Are Intimate Hygiene Products Really Necessary
